Comments on: The Erosion of Quality conversation and contention, for your attention Wed, 16 Apr 2008 22:01:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shapka Wed, 16 Apr 2008 22:01:48 +0000 Sames’ true of everything, dude. Anymore, it seems like the more you pay for a thing, the worse you got suckered, and that really does pertain to “value.”

Not “cultural values,” as I do believe that a person can be cultured and never attend an Opera– but the value attached to GETTING WHAT YOU PAID FOR. If you spend 400.00 USD on the Opera, you should get 400.00 USD worth of Opera.

In a Real Glass.

By: william Wed, 16 Jan 2008 22:52:24 +0000 Hi Fitz,

I’ll make a note if it thanks.
Nice to see you around these parts again.

By: Fitz Wed, 16 Jan 2008 21:52:59 +0000 If you’re back in town and looking for an Opera experience without the inflated sense of self-importance check out the Amato Opera. They’re a small house of madly dedicated enthusiasts and tend to be a lot more fun.

By: seekue Wed, 09 Jan 2008 23:14:57 +0000 The bartender was subversively taking a stab at you hoity-toity bourgeois types!

By: Loki der Quaeler Wed, 09 Jan 2008 20:06:27 +0000 I think there’s at least two problems here. One is obviously that the Metropolitan, or the catering company they use (if they’re smar[t|my]), seems to be breaking a law here. The second one, though, is the nebulous question of how each individual defines value. Some people may look at an opera goer at the Metropolitan drinking crappy wine that they can’t even tell is crappy and think, “It’s obscene that someone like that could be so uncultured”, but it’s quite possible that the drinker simply doesn’t care.
(I don’t think that this is a new phenomenon, or even american, by any stretch though; the idea of ‘the person with more money than brains and taste’ has been a base for satire for as long as i’ve been sentient (for example, Steve Martin’s “The Jerk”) – and i suspect it’s been around as long as there’s been class systems (Shakespeare has the knight Falstaff find hard luck and buffoonery in the “Merry Wives of Windsor”, for example) – leaving me to believe that this type of character has never been just fictional.)
I’ve even fooled myself into believing that i’m not playing advocatus diaboli when i assert that this is valid position one can take (“I don’t care that i’m uncultured”); it may totally offend my sensibilities, but if people want to be affluent materialistically and poor experientially: more power to them (as long as they’re not in a position to influence public policy).

Pulling this poorly ordered response around to the possible victims in this situation… while i concur that the Metropolitan is totally off-the-rails in this scenario (woe be to the babe-in-the-cultural-woods who has shown up at that event to broaden their palate and opera sense) there’s an obvious and practical solution to the whole mess: an exposé in the NYC press — even the willfully, enjoyably, ignorant upper crust don’t like to be publicly exposed as fools – and their embarrassment will undergo a nearly lossless energy conversion to wrath directed at the Met.

By: FatalTwilight Wed, 09 Jan 2008 09:22:10 +0000 Damn, that sucks.

I will refer you to a good place to be entertained though.

I live near Ashland, OR. I highly recommend the Shakespearian Theatre, It comes from a rennesaince town, and the artists there take it VERY seriously. We have pagan supply shops, tons of local artists, plus it is a very eclectic town. One of the only ones that I have seen that are actually pedestrian friendly. The cops dont care about marijuanna usage, plus people there aren’t biased on sexual preference. You will see your hippie-dippie new-agers though, but what the heck…At least its not filled with wanna-be gangstas.

Oh, and in the summer, on friday nights we have public fire dancing and semi-street party raves. Tons of european-esc pubs too.
