
by  —  October 18, 2009

On a recent trip to mainland China I spent most of my time in a city called Hangzhou. The population of this beautiful city is somewhere around 3 million souls. A lot of Chinese people rely on the bicycle for transport as well as scooters. Chinese cities are very congested like their Euro counterparts so […]

Last Train to Transcendental

by  —  October 16, 2009

Here again we return to infinity (if it can be said possible to return to something which one can’t leave). If you hadn’t heard of it before: there are different types of infinity – different sizes of infinity. This area of mathematics has fascinated and fixated mathematicians for literally millennia, though perhaps one of the […]

Marked as: MathReality Frames  —  1 comment   (RSS)

Imagining the World without You

by  —  October 11, 2009

There is a way to look at existence which involves the concept of light cones; at the very least it governs technically the ability we have to communicate, to exchange information, with one another. This is an optimization of how people can exchange voice, image and/or data, because we don’t simply exchange information at the […]

Marked as: Introspection  —  2 comments   (RSS)

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