I spend a chunk of each year directing a traveling food adventure show for The Food Network, Discovery Asia and Food TV UK. The really fantastic thing about the job is not only the travel, but also that I work with local people for a solid week in each location. It provides a window on different ways of life in a really accelerated way. At the end of 2009 I shot an episode in New Iberia Louisiana. This episode was about the New Iberia Gumbo cook off which happens yearly. This last year just happened to be the 20th anniversary. People in the community take the competition quite seriously and the festival is a load of fun. That is in no small part due to the amazing character of Cajun people. The Cajuns are a real cultural blend, the French … Continue reading
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Dr. Colin A. Ross: Psychiatry, the Supernatural, and Malpractice Most Foul
According to one expert witness, it was the worst case of medical malpractice he had ever seen. The patient, Ms. Roma E. Hart, had been grossly over-medicated into a prolonged state of deranged confusion, during which time the offending psychiatrist, Dr. Colin A. Ross, had instilled her with exotic and perverse delusions: To wit, the rather implausible belief that her family was involved in an occult crime-ring dedicated to a supernatural evil, and that Hart herself had been forcibly impregnated by extraterrestrials, birthing a hybrid infant (presumably in the course of a routine alien abduction). The magnitude of Ms. Hart’s mistreatment during her submission to psychiatric “care” brought her to the precipice of death on several occasions. … Continue reading
Marked as: Bunco • Law • Science — 33 comments (RSS)
Lies, Levitation, and Defamations Most Foul
The diagnosis is in: I have a malignant negativity, a “negative world view”, that prevents me from accepting the unique universal healing properties of Transcendental Meditation™ [TM]. My problem has been recognised by some of the top minds at Maharishi University (TM’s university in Fairfield, Iowa) who have expressed a willingness to take legal action against my writings so as to quarantine this ugly contagion – this hideous negativity that has deformed my critical thinking to the point in which it I can no longer recognise established scientific facts. According to TM™:
“Scientific research has clearly demonstrated that when one per cent of the population of a city or town practices Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme, the crime rate significantly decreases. Similarly, when groups of individuals practicing Maharishi’s TM-Sidhi programme with Yogic Flying equal at least the square root of one per cent of a population, there is a significant reduction of crime and accidents, as well as an increase in stock prices, decreased pollution, decreased unemployment, and decreased hostilities between nations.” … Continue reading
Marked as: Abnormal Sociology • Belief Systems • Bunco • Science — 3 comments (RSS)
Remembering Lies: Interview with Psychiatric Abuse Victim Jeanette Bartha
“The Council finds that recollections obtained during hypnosis can involve confabulations and pseudomemories and not only fail to be more accurate, but actually appear to be less reliable than nonhypnotic recall.”
–American Medical Association, Council on Scientific Affairs, Scientific Status of Refreshing Recollections by the Use of Hypnosis, 1985.
“The evolution of pseudomemories is clearly demonstrated in the case of Jeannette Bartha v Hicks Richard and Friends Hospital in Philadelphia. In September 1994, this former patient sued her treating psychiatrist and hospital for negligence and reckless treatment beginning in March 1986. For the six and one-half years she was under the care of the defendant psychiatrist, the plaintiff’s condition deteriorated, according to her complaint […] the defendant psychiatrist failed to monitor the course of treatment and used hypnosis and prescribed medications, increasing the plaintiff’s tendency toward suggestion, coercion and manipulation. Over time, this caused the plaintiff to experience and display symptoms of supposed multiple personality in conformity with the defendant’s expectations, when in fact no such illness existed.” … Continue reading
Marked as: Abnormal Sociology • Belief Systems • Bunco — 29 comments (RSS)
On a recent trip to mainland China I spent most of my time in a city called Hangzhou. The population of this beautiful city is somewhere around 3 million souls. A lot of Chinese people rely on the bicycle for transport as well as scooters. Chinese cities are very congested like their Euro counterparts so two wheeled transport makes sense on pretty much every level (except perhaps safety). But in China there is one difference that is glaringly obvious. Although the roads are packed, and I do mean packed with scooter pilots, the streets are quiet. The reason for this? It’s because 99% of the scooters are electric. It’s quite surreal. It appears to the foreigner like a movie missing a quintessential piece of the sound track. Now here’s another interesting statistic, around a third of all Chinese bicycles are also electric mopeds or have electric assist. I’ve also witnessed this phenomenon in Japan where e-bikes and scooters are ubiquitous.,8599,1904334,00.html?iid=digg_share
This is all very interesting to me because I ride an electric bike and it’s made in China.
Marked as: Governmental Policies • Introspection • Science • Societal Policies • Technology — 7 comments (RSS)
Last Train to Transcendental
Here again we return to infinity (if it can be said possible to return to something which one can’t leave). If you hadn’t heard of it before: there are different types of infinity – different sizes of infinity. This area of mathematics has fascinated and fixated mathematicians for literally millennia, though perhaps one of the most famous and prolific mathematicians to contribute to the area was a man named Georg Cantor. Cantor was very likely bipolar and spent a large chunk of his adult life feeling somewhat insane and persecuted by his peers. This last part wasn’t entirely due to the neurochemical roller coaster as some mathematicians were truly unsettled by his work and lashed out, like that schmuck Poincaré who said that Cantor’s set theory work was a ‘perverse illness from which someday mathematics would be cured.’
To be fair, what Cantor exposed for us does, on first blush, seem to make no sense, at best, and be contradictory, at worst. In this article we’re going to look at just a small sliver and, in that, find something bigger than the universe in which we live. … Continue reading
Marked as: Math • Reality Frames — 1 comment (RSS)
Imagining the World without You
There is a way to look at existence which involves the concept of light cones; at the very least it governs technically the ability we have to communicate, to exchange information, with one another. This is an optimization of how people can exchange voice, image and/or data, because we don’t simply exchange information at the speed of light between two points in the shortest possible distance … Continue reading
Marked as: Introspection — 2 comments (RSS)
Report from the S.M.A.R.T. Ritual Abuse/Mind-Control Conference 2009, Part 2
As a “victorious survivor of incest, RA [Ritual Abuse], and Govt. MC [Mind Control]”, the aged and infirm “Julaine” understands how it is that They break into our minds. “Moriah, Illuminati… whatever you want to call it”, this collective Satan “oversees information” through mass media, and it is a scientific certainty that while watching television “the cognitive part of the mind goes dead”. … Continue reading
Marked as: Abnormal Sociology • Belief Systems • Bunco • Law — 8 comments (RSS)